corporate raiders
- n.公司掠夺者(经常强行大量购买其他公司股份的个人或公司,以对其加以控制或高价出售赢利)
- corporate raider的复数

But US technology companies , several of which could bail out small eurozone countries without breaking a sweat , are not victims of corporate raiders .
I don 't know how to evaluate everything Icahn has done but some corporate raiders have been unkind to employees .
At that time , when corporate raiders and leveraged buy-out firms started to shake up complacent managements at US companies , entrenchment was rife .
The rise in global equity markets had also brought out the corporate raiders , and companies around the world suddenly found themselves in fear of finding activist shareholders on their share registers .
The organization that defined capitalism for much of the 20th century was then in retreat , attacked by corporate raiders , harassed by shareholders and outfoxed by entrepreneurs .
The organisation that defined capitalism for much of the20th century was then in retreat , attacked by corporate raiders , harassed by shareholders and outfoxed by entrepreneurs .